Community Resources
Thriving Mind Consumer Hotline
If you need assistance and/or have any questions related to mental health, substance abuse and/or other community services.
Hours - 8:00am - 4:30pm
Please dial 211 for assistance when the hotline is unavailable.
Abuse Hotline
Call to report abuse, neglect and/or exploitation (unfair treatment) for all children and vulnerable adults in Florida.
1-800-962-2873 (1-800-96-ABUSE)
Mobile Crisis Team
The Mobile Crisis Team is an outreach service that provides evaluation and crisis intervention for individuals who may need emergency psychiatric hospitalization because their mental health problems and/or substance abuse place them or others at risk of harm.
24 hours a day/ 7 days a week
Miami-Dade 305-774-3616
Broward 954-463-0911
Palm Beach 561-383-5777
Switchboard of Miami
305-358-4357 (HELP)
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Free and confidential emotional support for people in suicide crisis or emotional distress.
24 Hrs. / 7 Days
Consumer and Family Resource Manual
This manual will give you information and direction on who to contact for more specific information for individuals who receive mental health and/or substance abuse services from community agencies